Enrol your child

Enrol your child

Centre name (required)

Child name (required)

Gender (required)

Address (required)

Name of parent 1 or guardian (required)

Phone number (required)

Your Email (required)

Name of parent 2 or guardian (optional)

Phone number (optional)

Your Email (optional)

Please provide details of any medical conditions, behavioural issues or religious beliefs that we should be aware of: (required)

If your classes are held at your childcare centre, school or OOSH centre, completing this form gives us permission to obtain any information missing or out of date for the duration of time that your child attends the centre or school.

Do we have permission to take group or individual photos of your child during yoga classes? These photos may be displayed in the centre, on Inner Child Yoga’s website and other promotional materials or on Inner Child Yoga’s social media: (required)

I understand that my child undertakes this exercise program and use of all the facilities and equipment of Inner Child Yoga at their own risk. I hereby release the instructor of any loss, damage or injury caused either directly or indirectly by the application of these exercises. (required)

I understand that Inner Child Yoga has a COVID Safe plan and will adapt classes where or when necessary. (required)

How did you hear about us?:

If a friend referred you to us please give their name: